No.1 April 2003
Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance *****

    Information required to be given

    The SFO removes the previous requirement for substantial
    shareholders to disclose particulars of registered shareholders
    and changes in those particulars. Instead, it introduces more
    structured notification forms to facilitate disclosure. Among
    the details to be disclosed by a substantial shareholder are the
        * 1. In the case of corporate substantial shareholders, the
          name and address of any person in accordance with whose
          directions it, or its directors are accustomed or obliged
          to act, except where it is listed in Hong Kong or on a
          specified stock exchange or is the wholly owned subsidiary
          of any such listed company.

          2. In the case of subsequent disclosures of long positions
          in shares disclosure is required of the highest price and
          average price per share paid or received in an on-exchange
          transaction. In off-exchange transactions the highest and
          average consideration per share and nature of the
          consideration must be disclosed. If no price or
          consideration has been paid or received, this should be
          stated. Transactions in equity derivatives do not require
          details of price or consideration.

          3. In the case of equity derivatives, details as to
          whether they are listed or unlisted, cash or physically
          settled, and details of the underlying shares.

    Timing of Notice

    Notices should be filed with the Stock Exchange and the relevant
    listed company at the same time or one immediately following the
    other. The previous requirement for notice to be given to the
    Stock Exchange first has been removed.

    Forms to be used

    There are 6 separate forms to be used for notification of
    interests under the SFO. These are:
        * Form 1 Individual Substantial Shareholder Notice

          Form 2 Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice

          Form 3A Director's/Chief Executive's Notice of Interests
          in Shares of a Listed Company
	  Form 3B Director's/Chief Executive's Notice of Interests
	  in Shares of Associated Corporation
          Form 3C Director's/Chief Executive's Notice of Interests
          in Debentures of Listed Company

          Form 3D Director's/Chief Executive's Notice of Interests
          in Debentures of Associated Company
    The forms and notes thereto can be downloaded in Chinese and
    English from the Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited web-
    site or the SFC website.

    The forms can be printed out and completed manually.
    Alternatively they are available in Microsoft Excel format and
    can be completed offline using the Excel programme.

    Directors who are also Substantial Shareholders must use Form 3A
    (annexed hereto) instead of Form 1 to disclose interests in
    shares of a listed company of which they are directors.

    If an event gives rise to separate disclosure obligations in
    each capacity (as director and substantial shareholder), both
    obligations can be fulfilled by filing Form 3A. For example, if
    a person has a 5.9% interest in the shares of a listed company
    and acquires a further 0.2%, he must file a notice as a director
    (who must disclose all transactions) and as a substantial
    shareholder because his interest has crossed a percentage level.

    Penalties for failure to disclose

    Failure to make disclosure within the time limits required by
    the SFO or the making of a statement which is false or
    misleading in any material particular constitutes a criminal
    offence carrying a maximum fine of $100,000 or maximum prison
    sentence of 2 years for each offence. Members and officers of a
    company can also be personally liable for the offences of a
    company. The Financial Secretary may further impose restrictions
    on the transfer of the shares of any person convicted of an

    Please note that this summary is for general information
    purposes only. Specific legal advice should be sought when
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