Please join Julia Charlton at the Eastern Business Express online forum for startupers on 26 May 2021 at 6 pm HKT

Please join Julia Charlton at the Eastern Business Express online forum for startupers on 26 May 2021 at 6 pm HKT

Please join Julia Charlton on the Eastern Business Express online forum for startupers on 26 May 2021 at 6 pm HKT

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Please join Julia Charlton at the Eastern Business Express online forum for startups on 26 May 2021 at 6 pm HKT.

This forum is about building bridges between Eastern Europe/CIS and Hong Kong startup/business ecosystems.

There are great examples of successful entrepreneurs from Eastern Europe and CIS who grew their businesses in Hong Kong. In this forum you will hear about real cases, get information first hand, expand your network and more.

We look forward to meeting you for the online forum!

You can watch online forum by following the link.