Hong Kong to play key role under China’s “Belt and Road” initiative

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Breakfast panel Celebrating the Path to Success Why Mistakes Are Mandatory Celebrating International Womens Day

Hong Kong’s unique ability under the “One Country, Two Systems” arrangement to act as the major fund-raising centre for infrastructure development under China’s vastly ambitious “Belt and Road” initiative was the subject of a presentation today at the “Corporate Go Global Strategy and Legal Risks Prevention Summit Forum” (企业“走出去”战略暨法律风险防范高峰论坛) by Clinton Morrow, partner of Hong Kong law firm, Charltons, in Hangzhou, China.

Clinton stressed Hong Kong’s role as the “super-connector” between China, the 65 Belt and Road countries, and investors and businesses worldwide. As a leading international financial centre and the gateway for the two-way flow of investment funds between China and the rest of the world, Hong Kong can play a key role in the development of infrastructure, trade and economic cooperation through large parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. With a legal system based on English common law, Hong Kong offers access to experts in the fields of finance, infrastructure development, project management, accounting and legal services.

Other topics including cross-border litigation and dispute resolution and trade were also discussed by lawyers from China, Russia and other Belt and Road countries at the forum co-organised by Zhejiang Provincial Human Resources Service Association (浙江省人力资源服务协会), Zhejiang Regional Economic Promotion Association (浙江省区域经济促进会), Hangzhou Municipal Commission of Commerce (杭州市商务委员会), Hangzhou Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone Administrative Committee (杭州市萧山经济技术开发区管委会), Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Bureau of Commerce (杭州市萧山区商务局) and Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Bureau of Justice (杭州市萧山区司法局).

The slides and text of Charltons’ presentation can be viewed in English and Chinese.

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One Belt One Road countries

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