Amendments to The Main Board Listing Rules

HONG KONG LAW March 2004 Word version Amendments To The Main Board Listing Rules (the Rules) Effective March 31, 2004 H. Voting By Shareholders H. Voting By Shareholders 1. Poll Vote Mandatory (Rule 13.39(4)) Voting by poll (rather than by show of hands) is required...

The Companies Amendment Ordinance 2003

HONG KONG LAW January 2004 Word version The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2003 To Take Effect On February 13, 2004 A. Introduction B. One Member/One Director Companies C. Further Amendments Relating To Directors D. Further Amendments Relating To Shareholders E....

Recent Changes to the Companies Ordinance Prospectus Regime

HONG KONG LAW December 2003 Word version Recent Changes To The Companies Ordinance Prospectus Regime Introduction A. Guidelines On Use Of Offer Awareness And Summary Disclosure Materials In Offerings Of Shares And Debentures Under The Companies Ordinance B. Guidelines...

The New Licensing Regime under the Securities and Futures Ordinance

HONG KONG LAW October 2003 Word version The Licensing Regime Under The Securities And Futures Ordinance Introduction New Single Licence Regime Regulated Activities Licence Types Responsible Officers Registered Institutions Exemptions And Exclusions Temporary Licences...

Proposed Increased Regulation of IPO Intermediaries

[show_newsletter_sitepath] [show_back_to_newsletter_link] Insights [show_insights_options] HONG KONG LAW June 2003 Word version Proposed Increased Regulation Of IPO Intermediaries Acceptable Sponsors and IFAs The Code of Conduct Sponsors’ Due Diligence...

Market Misconduct under the Securities and Futures Ordinance

HONG KONG LAW June 2003 Word version Market Misconduct Under The Securities And Futures Ordinance Introduction What Is Market Misconduct? Additional Offences Effects Of Market Misconduct Introduction The Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) which came into effect on...